Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Murder of Lynne Friend

This case did not go to the grand jury in April--or May.

Below is an email exchange with a reader from a few months ago beginning after the pleasantries:

(1-Q) Thank you much, David. The wheels of justice (Justice?) seem to grind

very slowly. I wonder if the case, against the "husband" and father

of Lynne Friend's son, is based solely on witnesses seeing the dumping

of "something" overboard out at sea. If so, is that likely to be

enough to convict??

Or do you think there is more evidence?


(1-A) I KNOW there is more evidence, I was assigned the case. You have

suggested to me a good idea though, to look to see if I still have a

copy of the Grand Jury memo I prepared in 2004. If I do, I will just

post it on Politics & Justice.

It is my personal, gut hunch from having reviewed all of the

evidence that Lynne's body was not thrown overboard. I do not know

what they did with it though. But that is one of the ways this

investigation got thrown off-track because it doesn't matter. Under

the law a person who has disappeared without explanation for a

certain length of time is legally presumed dead. That certain period

of time has long past. Lynne is dead, and is legally presumed so. So

the two ocean searches were a waste of time and money. I met with an

oceanography expert at the University of Miami when I had the case.

If the body was dumped in the vicinity of where the go-fast was

stopped, it was dumped in the gulf stream. I'll never forget the UM

professor telling me that after a few weeks, "the body could have

washed ashore on an island off Nova Scotia."


(2-Q) David - I got the impression that the "something" was weighted down.

Wouldn't a heavy enough weight have made it sink to the bottom even in

the Gulf Stream? I wonder, if the body was not dumped overboard and

it doesn't matter anyway, what does matter and what can be used to



(2-A) That was the first thing I asked the oceanography expert: he said it

takes, now I'm doing this from memory so it may be a little off, 8-8

1/2 times a person's body weight in that depth ocean water to take her

to the bottom. Lynne weighed (memory) 135. So 1,080-1,147 lbs to take

her to the bottom. That may have sunk the boat. It sure wouldn't have

been a go-fast w/ all that weight. When he told me that (1) I got

disgusted that no one had asked him that BEFORE the two marine searches,

and (2) I asked him how far down the body would have gone and where it

would have ended up, and that's when he told me "Nova Scotia."

(3-Q) Geez. Proving the body was dumped and/or finding was futile. So.

what evidence is there to convict without a body -or- a witness who

saw the murder and would come forward to testify against the murderer.

Makes me wonder if the buddy of the "husband" is still in touch . . .

maybe he's had a change of heart or is ready to break his Allegiance to


I also wonder, and I may be repeating myself, if the either killer or

accomplice have been convicted (or accused) of any other crime. The

son should be all grown up now; what about him.....could he have an

insight that he has gleaned from his dad or that buddy of his dad?


(3-A) The ocean searches were really ridiculous, especially the last one.

The case is a very strong one circumstantially. When lay people hear

"circumstantial evidence" they equate it with "not enough." That's not

accurate. Some of the best cases are circumstantial. In addition,

there's a witness, a friend of Cliff's, who met with Cliff two weeks

before and will testify that Cliff told him that Christian (son)

wasn't going anywhere, and that Lynne was "going to take a boat ride

and not come back." That (and the dump itself) is where the theory of

the ocean body dump came from. The ocean searches were stupid and threw

the investigation off track, in my opinion, and as I've said, I have

come to doubt the ocean dump theory itself. So it would follow that I

have doubts about this witness. And I do, all of us, prosecutors, cops,

everyone who has ever touched this case has doubts about this witness.

This is the point though: it's our jobs to have doubts about witnesses,

and nearly every witness has doubts attached to him/her, so you don't

just throw overboard, to use an apt metaphor, a witness who you have

legitimate doubts about. You look for "corroboration" and there is

plenty, in my opinion, with regard to this witness, and for the entire

case for guilt.

I do not know if Clifford or Allan Gold (friend) have had any other

run-ins with the law. Both had some priors but they weren't career

criminals or the like. They could have had a falling out. Friends

become ex-friends just like spouses become ex-spouses. The case could

get stronger after arrest but it could also get weaker. Witnesses die

after 17 years, or get arrested themselves, as one of the police

officers did. My point is and always has been that the case is plenty

good right now to make an arrest and nothing should have delayed it

this long.

Christian was never interviewed. Mistake. When I had the case what we

were going to do is take a statement from him right before the

arrest(s). The last time I talked to Det. Butchko, that was still the



(4-Q) David - Holy Cow! Lynne was "going to take a boat ride and not come

back." !! Makes you wonder where the body could be if not in the

ocean. If Allan Gold has split with Cliff maybe he is willing to

testify if he gets immunity???

I may be using the wrong term here but, what about a statute of

limitations? Isn't there a period after which a person cannot be

prosecuted? Does that apply here? Otherwise, I hope you or someone

does pursue this case.


(4-A) Ahh, so you see that as pretty significant evidence too, huh :)

Me too! And everyone else. Concerns about this witness are not what's

holding this case up, not from my last conversation with Det.Butchko

most importantly, and not when I had the case.

There's a long, long history to this case that I haven't gotten into. I

will but just very generally right now everything that could derail

this case has derailed it and some things, like the last team of cops

pulling the plug, that I don't have answers for.

This witness wore a wire on a number of occasions in the 1990's and

tape-recorded conversations with Cliff.

Now the technology then was not good compared to today and the quality

of the tapes is fair to poor. But I listened to every one of them and

got what I could out of them. A significant conversation concerns the

boat ride. An ocean search was in the works and had been publicized and

the witness brings it up. I can still hear Cliff now saying as calm as

can be, "I'm all for it. I heard on the news they can find a tin can on

the bottom. Let 'em go ahead."

To me, Cliff did not seem to be "talking for the wire" there, in other

words, he didn't suspect he was being taped. Those were his true

feelings. That was one of the things that made me doubt the ocean dump

theory. So where'd they dump the body and what did they dump in the

ocean, because they were caught in the act of dumping something. Good

questions that I have had, anyone would have and everyone has had. I

don't know, I don't know, and it's legally irrelevant, are the answers.


(5-Q) If they were dumping something other than the body as a decoy, does it

really look like Cliff and Allan were trying to get the chase boat to

see them do it? What I originally read made me think Cliff and Allan

were surprised.


(5-A) Oh, they were deer-in-the-headlights surprised. That was not some decoy

maneuver. They were throwing something incriminating overboard there is

no doubt of that. Tim Stellhorn, the Marine Patrol ofcr, described one

of the objects as suitcase-sized. Before I got into the case FDLE had

gotten a similar-sized suitcase, then got a secretary Lynne's height

and weight, 5'4", 135 lbs (from memory) to see if she would fit in the

suitcase. She did. Then there was another object thrown overboard, I

don't remember Tim having as distinct a memory of that second object. I

do remember that he thought the two objects might have been chained or

somehow linked together.

Allan Gold was the one who threw them overboard. Tim said Allan was

struggling to lift and then push the first one overboard. Allan's a big

man but anybody is going to struggle to dead (pun intended) lift 135


Obviously the first object could have been Lynne's body, the second one

an object to weight it down. Allan and Clifford wouldn't have known of

the 8-8 1/2-1 ratio to body weight needed to put a body on the bottom.

They would have done the best they could. The point is they did very

well! If the first object was Lynne's body, which I doubt, but it

could have been, their intent was to make her disappear. They

accomplished that, but not by sending the body to the bottom.


(6-Q) Your comments about drifting in the ocean currents makes me wonder if

the suitcase would have eventually descended to the bottom then

tumbled into rocks or other debris on the bottom. I picture the ocean

bottom as a wide open place where the suitcase would have rested as

the body (if that is what was in it) eventually decomposed leaving

only bones behind. The suitcase may also have decomposed, depending

on what the suitcase was made of, scattering the remains. If anything

is ever recovered (e.g. bones), accidently (fisherman's net?) or

otherwise it is possible that DNA testing of bone marrow may be

possible after all these years. If someone pulled up any remains

years later they may not have reported it.

Did I read that the killing may have actually occurred in a house? Or

am I imagining that? I wonder if neighbors heard anything at the time

of the killing (screams? shots?).

I'd love to know what the son really thinks. If he has an idea what

happened he hass probably discussed it with his friends. One of them

could eventually come forward. I don't supposed there's anyway of

tracking any school friends down (high school year book) maybe he was

in HS band or football and band or football buddys or teachers had an

insight. You could spend a LOT of time investigating this and people

may not open up to police.

I also wonder what occupations Cliff and Allan had been in. Maybe

they had access to acid, poison, certain kind of suitcase, weapons,

etc. that would play into this.